Monday, August 15, 2011

Stinky Feet?

     Of all the fine foods that grow along the banks of the Bigfork River, one of the best tasting is the High Bush Cranberry. It may require a little more sugar than most berries but oh what a treat. Besides that, they are a fairly large berry so it doesn't take long to fill your berry bucket.
   As the jelly is cooked, you'll notice most of the usual crowd disappears. They look from one person to the next, trying to figure out who it is that hasn't washed their feet for a while. The stuff stinks, yup, like rotten feet.
   But next morning when it's time for toast and jelly, the High Bush Cranberry is the jelly the whole family loves.  
  I hope you'll take a few minutes to read my blog each day. You can see other pieces of my work at Peace River Books website. All of my books are available on Amazon/Kindle.
   Best Regards and Good Reading,
Ron Shepherd

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